Hawkes Bluff Homeowner’s Association August 28, 2007 Board Meeting
Date: August 28, 2007, 7:30 P.M.
Location: Ivanhoe Fire Station Community Room
Board Positions: President: Howard Neu (HN)
Vice President: Mo Christie (MC)
Corresponding Secretary: Gretchen Farmer (GF)
Treasurer: Bob Giordano (RG)
Recording Secretary: Gisela Nanson Torres (GNT)
Director: Ira Goldberg (IG)
Director: Carl Mendola (CM)
Meeting Called to Order by HN at 7:40 P.M. Roll Call Taken. The following board members were present: HN, MC, GNT, RG, IG, and GF.
Board Members absent, CM.
I-75 Sound Wall Meeting - The normal association business was not discussed at the meeting, as the Board allowed the discussion of the pressing I-75 Sound Wall issues to be discussed amongst the various Ivanhoe and Davie association residents and politicians who attended the meeting. At the entrance, attendees signed the petition, prepared by GNT, requesting funding for sound wall now.
HN – Commenced the meeting by introducing the board for Hawkes Bluff Homeowner’s Association
HN – Introduced Davie Mayor, Tom Truex, who spoke to the attendees, in support of the sound wall
HN – Introduced Town councilman, Marlon Luis, who spoke to the attendees, in support of the need for a sound wall
HN – Introduced Judy Paul, Retired Davie Council Member, who spoke to the attendees, in support of the need for a sound wall
RG – Thanked attendees for showing support for the I-75 issues facing our community, like, noise, affects to our lives, enjoyment, safety, pollution issues and the need for Ivanhoe to come together as a community, as we are over 2000 houses (a fist instead of one finger) in support of I-75 issues and high school boundary issues.
JP – Described the future for I-75 and concerns all residents in the area share. There are differing opinions with respect to a sound wall. There are residents who do not want a sound wall. FDOT will not appear at any of our homeowner’s meetings until after the kick off meeting for the PD&E study, scheduled for September 18, 2007.
Primary issue for FDOT is to move people from one place to the other and secondarily they will look on the homeowner’s issues.
Sound engineers at FDOT will tell you that trees will not reduce highway noise;
JP has spoken with the federal Department of Transportation with respect to the issue and the cost per home along the I-75 boundary would be $44,000.00.
MC – has been speaking with FDOT since April of 2000, because melaleuca plants were removed from I-75 in December of 2001. That removed the protective barrier our homes had from noise and pollution.
MC – FDOT removed the hog fence and replaced it with chain link because we are considered a more rural area and allegedly would be best for our area, and placed smaller, less dense foliage in the place of the melaleuca plants.
Judy Paul – advised that the criteria changed at MPO and because of the noise association with construction, the walls usually go up at the same time as construction begins. She said that we should find out how much money has gone into conducting these PD&E studies. They have already done them and they cost a lot of money.
JP – Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tried to obtain a sound wall for us but was specifically advised not to waste her time, as we would not get the sound wall until the road is widened.
HN – advised the residents that FDOT will say the road was here first and therefore they are not responsible for putting up wall, but:
1. Traffic volume is materially more;
2. The removal of the melaleucas in 2000, which he believes were only removed in our area because you can travel along I-75 and see them throughout
3. Suggested residents contact William Leidy at FDOT to complain all the time.
4. Asked one of the residents to investigate where and when the melaleuca bushes were removed and where they were not, as HN believes they discriminately did this to our area and not to others.
Resident, Walter Bell – Mr. Bell is first house from the North entrance of Hawke’s Bluff and impetus for this meeting was set up. Noted that he has not seen anywhere the issue of the environmental impact on people’s breathing.
JP – for years, MC, JP and other board members would appear at all meetings to inquire as to when we could expect a sound wall.
GF: Complained of dust filtering into house
GNT- Shared comments from FDOT, suggesting that we purchase impact windows and place fountains strategically around yard so that ear will focus on sound of fountain, instead of the noise. They will tell you that the data from their engineers supports the fact that trees will not help with the noise.
Mayor Tom Truex, suggested:
1. Capture e-mails of sign up;
2. Not likely that FDOT will take homes for building roads
3. Davie has fought hard to keep Stirling Rd. Exchange (connecting Stirling Rd directly I-75) from being built;
4. Mobilizing people
5. The town does have leverage to move up the time line for the sound walls and
he is starting to see the light on the issue
6. He said he would provide a flag for our fire station
Councilman, Marlon Luis emphasized not to stop the movement and to be persistent. He advised the residents that the town would waive the variance with respect to 6 foot high fences if the residents would like to install higher fences.
Judy Paul – Suggested that our petitions be placed on the record at the public MPO, Davie Town Council Meetings and request support for the sound wall.
HN adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:30 P.M..