Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting August 27, 2008
Meeting was called to order at 7:38 pm by Val O'Connor, seconded by John Ayala.
Board of Directors in attendance: Val O'Connor, John Ayala, and Eduardo Martinez.
4 people in attendance.
Treasury Report - Jonathan Klein
Jonathan not at the meeting.
End of month Bank Balance is $74,791.27
Facility Maintenance-Alan
Alan not at the meeting.
It was agreed that the landscaping looks better and the lights are
working except for the lights on the Stirling Rd. entrance still are not working
Violations- John, Eduardo
Nothing to report.
We discussed at length the violations that are continuing to occur on Gauntlet Hall Lane
and what needs to be done about it.
Levi Tyler volunteered to become one of the directors of violations so he was inducted
and now on the board.
Frank not at the meeting.
Town of Davie-Tina
Tina not at the meeting.
Jonathan not at the meeting.
New Business
Everyone is happy that the signs were put up on Ashby Fields Rd. by the canal
for the fishing for residents of Ivanhoe only. It is noticeable that less cars are in
the area fishing. We discussed the mosquito problem in the area and it was suggested
for everyone to contact Broward county regarding the mosquitoes situation. We
discussed the need for the sidewalks to be pressure cleaned possibly by a service
in the future since they are not being done regularly or improperly and they are an
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm by Val O'Connor, John Ayala seconded the motion.
These minutes accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic 9/24/08
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