FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by Val O’Connor.
Board of Directors in attendance Tina Franetic and Val O’Connor. 6-residence in attendance.
TREASURY REPORT: Bank balance in operating account $58,832.80
Bank balance in wall account $22,006.43
Status of yearly assessment payments 165 residence have paid 132 not paid
6- Checks written
FACILITY MAINTENANCE: 24 bad bulbs, sprinkler need repair and electrical
VIOLATION: the new established violations committee not in attendance
ARCHITECTURE: Nothing to report
TOWN OF DAVIE: Town of Davie is considering a horse path down Stirling road
NEW BUSINESS: Budget will be prepared by the new management company as well as taking on administrative duties, however they will no longer be responsible for violations
Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm by Tina Franetic Val O’Connor second