Waverly Hundred Homeowners Association, Inc.

Resident Meeting

7:30 p.m.

March 23, 2016

Ivanhoe Community Center

Board of Directors Present:

Val O'Connor

John Ayala

Paul Hinden

  Due to the break-ins and shooting that occurred on March 16th on Hawkes Bluff Ave. and Gauntlet Hall, we decided to forego our regular board meeting for a resident meeting to discuss how to make our neighborhood safer. Police Chief Patrick Lynn and Assistant Chief Dunne and Officer Jason Rivera and Officer David Rodriquez resided over the meeting giving us information about the individual who perpetrated the break-ins and gave us their stats on frequency of police patrol in our neighborhood. They also informed us about the Crime Watch program that we can implement in our neighborhood. Officer Rivera said he will be at our next meeting to help us organize it. The officers told us about courses they took so they could go into people's houses and tell them how they can make their homes safer so if you want them to help you all you have to do is call them and they will come out. They answered a lot of questions, and were quite informative about what is going on in our surrounding neighborhood and tips we can use to help protect us. We talked about camera tagging briefly but if it's something residents want we will continue to discuss it at other meetings. There are pros and cons, people for and against them.  As for the guy who broke-in here, who is now dead, his name was Dallis Hernandez, 23 years old, he was from Hialeah but moved to East Davie. He had a lot of prior convictions, he had tattoos all over his body, part of a gang. The police said that there was no car here, he was dropped off and probably walked into our neighborhood. They told us to keep our eyes open and report to the police anything we see that is wrong, they said do not hesitate, if you hear an alarm or see something, report it. They said come to the meetings, be involved. They suggested we initiate a Waverly Hundred Facebook page which is now in existence and several of the residents are on there presently. An email went out to everyone in the neighborhood to sign in and there is now a link on the index page of this website so you can also sign in there. They left us pamphlets to read over and they are posted below.  


Dallis Hernandez