Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting September 26, 2007
Meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm by Jonathan Klein seconded by Val O'Connor
Board of Directors in attendance: Jonathan Klein, Val O'Connor, Frank Milone, Edward Martinez and Allan Hollinger
Seven people in attendance. Maintenance report was given first because the painter was in attendance and needed to leave early.
Treasury Report was read by Jonathan Klein
Current Balance $71,221.74
Deposit of $411.00 for late assessments
Status of 2007 assessments: 0 outstanding payments
0 Liens placed
At the next meeting in October the 2008 budget will need to be decided since there usually is no meetings in November and December because of the holidays. Assessments need to go out in December and are due by February 28th. The painting of the wall fund has to be in the budget, we do have reserves though.
Violations- John and Carlos
0 letters sent out (John)
Six fences approved
Facility Maintenance-Alan
Four estimates were received for painting the walls. Jeffrey Grant, who lives in Ivanhoe was present at the meeting. He proposed that he would pressure clean the walls, repair the walls, stucco the holes, and paint with a quality paint which would withstand the wear and tear of time. He mentioned Glidden Paint, Baer Paint, or Sherwin Williams. Alan knows Jeffrey, said his work is meticulous. Jeffrey said he did his research and spent 3 ½ hours measuring the walls to get a fair estimate. His proposal is $17,200 and $3,400 to pressure clean the walls, which is a total of $20,600, with $8,600 up front. Jonathan asked him if he had proper insurance and he said he had $100,000 liability through State Farm Insurance. He said he had done work in Coral Springs and Trump Tower. It was discussed whether the policy should be a million dollar policy instead.
A second proposal was from Bob Campbell and Painting Inc. The proposal was for $24,198 which included pressure cleaning, repairs, stucco, and painting.
A third proposal was from Apex Painting for $29,950. He included his insurance liability as $100,000 and his references.
A fourth proposal was from Balestrieri Painting of Davie, who has been in business for 27 years, was for $22,750.
It was discussed that we need to send letters to the homeowners whose houses are along the walls telling them that we are going to begin painting soon and if they want their wall painted they will have to trim back the vegetation or they will be skipped. Discussed whether to put a note on their doors to let them know so the painter would have entry to their yards the day that he will be painting.
The fire hydrants will be used for the water source so this will not affect anyone. It was said that hot water gets rid of mildew.
Alan said he would lend Jeffrey his generator but later said he was skeptical about lending it to him in case we had a hurricane. But like it was said, if we had a hurricane, Jeffrey won’t be painting the walls.
It was also discussed that Dykes Rd. has a lot of patchwork. The compound dries fast. It will take about two to three weeks ballpark to get the job done.
The notices should be sent to the houses on Ashby Park, Old Moat, Ravenswick, and the corner of Hawkes Bluff. Ave.
Pat, who does the pressure cleaning needs to clean the sidewalks on Dykes Rd. so the painting can begin around the end of October with consideration of the weather.
Frank Milone made a motion to hire Jeffrey for the painting, and Val O’Connor seconded the motion. All in favor.
Alan said he will get paint swatches from Home Depot for the color of the walls.
Lighting – circuit breaker near Ashby Field Rd is out.
Regarding the Royal Palm, Alan called Dave to get a new one and make sure the sprinkers are working before he plants new plants.
Impatients will be planted in another month.
Discussed the entrance on Dykes Rd. Seasonal plants are not doing well, hedges were suggested. Plants are dried out, the sprinkler is not working. Dave was told to come once a month to check them. With the water restrictions the water supply was cut back to once a week or twice a week. Dirt was taken out to mulch.
Town of Davie-nothing to report
Insurance-Jonathan-nothing to report
New Business
Discussed the newsletter we need to send out to all the residents. Discussed sending out a newsletter
that will encompass all the issues instead of sending out a special newsletter regarding the painting to just
the residents it would affect. In the newsletter will be the news of the painting of the walls; the sound wall
information, as well as containing a comment sheet for people to fill out and mail to the Florida Dept. of
Transportation regarding their feelings about their need for the sound wall; information about the
landscaping and the palm tree; informing the residents of the newly designed Waverly Hundred website
and also the new Ivanhoe Civic Association website, where they can find up to the minute news on both
regarding our community; and information about violations. We also need to make sure we get
everyone’s email addresses so the mailing list can be being updated.
Discussed the sound wall issue.
Discussed again the park ranger having to deal with a gate in Shenadoah at 7:30pm so we will not be able
to meet at that time anymore. The choices were at 7pm or 8pm. 8pm was chosen because members could
not attend at the earlier time.
Discussed the area 25 mile speed limit signs that Hawkes Bluff was able to obtain and how we would like
to get them also. A study was once done in Waverly of people speeding down Hawkes Bluff Ave. but it
showed we didn't meet requirements. Ashby Fields Rd. met them but it took two years to get a speed bump
put up. Val O’Connor said she would contact the people at Hawkes Bluff and ask how they got the sign
put up.
It was offered by a resident that emails are not being answered fast enough to the board. It was suggested
that if people don’t get involved, our association could go to a management company and it would cost a
monthly fee. Violations are not being kept on top of, it is hard to keep up on all the pressure cleaning and
everything that needs to get done and relying on people to do their jobs. Four houses didn’t pay last year’s
assessment. When there is a violation, a courtesy letter for the violation needs to go out, if there is no response a
legal letter goes out saying it is going to the attorney, there is no levy, they are responsible to pay the attorney
and the attorney will then put a lien on the house. Some of the residents said they would help with violations.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm by Jonathan Klein, Frank Milone seconded the motion.
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